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Mr. Kaufman… I’ve put off writing, probably because of embarrassment, but I need to share with you what your ministry in song did for my husband and me. We had both lost our jobs, were about to lose our house and we had no hope left. We got in our van and drove to a wooded area with the intention of putting a hose from our exhaust pipe into the van and taking our lives. We were hopeless.
One of your CDs was on our dash. My husband put it in the player and we listened, and listened. We wept and looked at each other and said, “We can’t do this.” We drove home and made a recommitment of our lives to Christ to trust Him with our lives. I thought you should know this.
Names Withheld   






Tim & Alicia…Just a note to say one more time how much we enjoyed your ministry and contribution to the marriage seminar. There were so many wonderful comments! We enjoyed your fellowship so much and appreciate your friendship.
Dr. & Mrs. Adrian Rogers   






I’m writing to let you know that I listen to your song, “I Dedicate” every day for inspiration. In fact, I’m at work now and I just listened to it for the second time today!        
The Web



I was in the service at (XXX) Church the day you gave your testimony on depression. I too suffer from depression. My mother and grandfather also had it. I am in a very low place in my life right now and I remember your prayer "God help me". I repeat that all thru the day at this point. I have a wonderful family like you who tries to help, but unless you know what true depression is there is no way they know what you are going thru. I am telling you this because you made an impact on my life. Please pray for me as you know what it is like. Thank you for all you do.




I have been listening to your music as long as I can remember since my folks brought the tapes or CD’s with us on the road. I have People Need the Lord (a very old copy), Blessed Are Those, and Give Your Heart a Home. I practically wear them out and (my 6 yr. old) Annelise was singing today, at the top of her lungs, My Hope Is In the Lord. I love it! Honestly, your music is some of my most cherished and it’s my go-to-music when I need to worship. Thank you for being used of the Lord in my life.
Stephanie, a pastor’s wife



Hi Tim, Just want to say thanks for all you are doing...your music has been a HUGE inspiration to me throughout my life!



Tim… I was doing housework and had your CD playing “Watch the Lamb.” My six year old daughter was listening too. When the song was over I heard some sniffles and she was crying. Then she asked, “Mommy…Jesus did that for us?” Though she is already saved, this deepened her understanding of the gospel. Thank you for selecting songs that communicate the Bible so clearly.



Tim… Wow! I was in the orchestra this morning – I’m so glad I didn’t miss hearing you. You’re still one of my favorite singers but I had no idea you could preach like that! It was great! I really appreciated your sermon today.





Tim…I still have your cassettes but it’s time to replace them with your CDs!  I first heard you in Ohio many years ago and now that I live in Florida I’m hoping to get to one of your local concerts here. Most of all I want to bring my granddaughter who loves Christian music. I know she’ll be a fan!





Mr. Kaufman…I want to tell you how much your music has enriched my life. I first heard you sing on “In Touch” TV but at the time I was deep into substance abuse. Long story short, after watching In Touch and being a part of a recovery group, I took my last drink four years ago! Then I saw you on another Christian TV program and I was finally able to get your recordings! After listening to the whole album, I’m full of gratitude and love for the day and for the Lord. I don’t wake up with a feeling of depression anymore!




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